Friday 28 September 2018

Here is my week 9 spelling.

                                 I am proud of myself because I got 100% in my spelling.


                                                  I enjoyed my kapahaka performance at the memorial hall I think                                                                                          kapahaka is the best.

Friday 14 September 2018

Week 7

 I am very proud of myself. I got 100% correct spelling again.

Reading: Using information.

WALT write an information report.

White tail spider
A white tail spider is a spider that uses other spiders webs to catch insects. It came to New Zealand from Australia over a hundred years ago.
White tailed spiders have a white patch at the end of its long dark grey body. They have orange-brown bands around their legs. They have fangs that inject venom. There are special tufts at the end of its legs. The tufts help the white-tailed spider stick onto smooth and sloping surfaces.
They live under bark and plants or in houses were they look for dark places to hide during the day.
Sometimes when a white tail spider wants a meal it will hunt a spider by using the spiders own web.

Reading: Using information from the text.

WALT use information from the text to create a slideshow about white tailed spiders.

Recount writing

On Saturday I stayed home with my Dad and mum. I was      
watching youtube on the tv but I turned the tv off.           
I played outside. I was playing with my brother. We were playing power rangers. My brother was the red power ranger. I was the blue power ranger. It was cool because we had to fight the bad guys.
Next we went into our house. But then we heard  something it was more bad guys. We had to fight so we took them out. Finally I went back inside and watched youtube again. “I had fun playing power rangers,” I said to my brother.

Friday 7 September 2018

W6 spelling

In my spelling I am proud of my self because I got 100% in my spelling.

Thursday 6 September 2018

Art: Indian Ink painting

Here is my painting about Fantastic Mr Fox. I used indian ink and a stick.