Wednesday 31 March 2021

The Loaves

We were learning about metaphors. A metaphor compares two different things. In this poem the author used metaphor to compare bread to clouds. 

I found it easy to write and decorate. I created a koru pattern border.

I found it hard to find metaphors. But I really enjoyed trying find the metaphors. 

Next time I need to find all the metaphors straight away.

Tuesday 16 March 2021

my digital pepeha

 We were learning about our pepeha.

I found it easy to do the recordings.

I found it hard to make the arrows rotate.

I really enjoyed doing my pepeha.

Next time I need to know how to rotate the shapes.

Friday 5 March 2021

Blog profile

Hi this is my blog profile.

My story board

I have been learning how to use storyboard. I really enjoyed making this story board.